3 Valuable Tips | Yoga in Stroke Rehabilitation

Disclaimer: This is for educational purposes only and not for treating illnesses. Patients should consult their doctor before starting any new yoga or exercise program.

Through my experience working with stroke patients using adaptive yoga techniques, I have compiled some practical tips that may enhance the efficacy of rehabilitation sessions. With over 40 individual and group yoga classes taught, these insights are drawn from direct engagement with this unique population. Research indicates that individuals with a stroke history benefit from incorporating yoga into their rehabilitation, as it allows for adaptable and graded interventions aligned with their individual strengths and limitations. Here are three valuable tips:

  1. Pose Naming: Introduce each yoga pose by its name to help patients create associations they can recall at home. For instance, while focusing on “Warrior II,” encourage them to visualize and remember the pose, reinforcing its importance in their practice.

  2. Graded Progression: Build upon each pose and adapt it based on the patient’s progress or immediate response. This grading approach ensures that each session is tailored to fit their current capabilities while continuously challenging them.

  3. Structured Sequencing: Implement a sequencing protocol (click here for mine) in your treatment sessions to provide a consistent structure to the intervention. A defined sequence can promote familiarity and comfort, making the therapeutic experience more effective.

These tips can help create a supportive and effective environment for stroke patients, facilitating their recovery.

To learn more helpful tips click here to access a downloadable E-Book about Yoga in Stroke Rehabilitation.


Guide to Sequencing | Yoga in Occupational Therapy


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